Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Leaving this week for Haiti and the Dominican Republic

On March 5, 2015 I will join a learning tour group from Ten Thousand Villages Richmond, Virginia to visit craft artisans in Haiti and cocoa farmers in the Dominican Republic (DR). We will return to the USA on March 15.

We will visit two artisan groups in Haiti: Comite Artisanal Haitien (CAH) and Caribbean Craft. Their offices are in Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, and we will visit artisan workshops in Leogane (stone carving) and Croix des Bouquets (cut metal). Both of these groups have produced products for Ten Thousand Villages for many years.

CAH Stone Carver in Leogane, Haiti

Jhonson Augustin, cut metal artisan in Croix des Bouquets, Haiti.

In the DR we will visit the  office of the National Confederation of Dominican Cacao Producers (CONACADO) in Santo Domingo (the capital of the DR) and cocoa farmers in the countryside. Equal Exchange chocolate, sold in Ten Thousand Villages stores, contains cocoa from CONACADO farmers.

CONACADO cacao farmer in the DR.

I am looking forward to an exhilarating educational trip. The warm, sunny weather will be a big added bonus.

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