Friday, March 6, 2015

Thursday, March 5 - on the way to Haiti

Left Harrisburg, PA in a snow storm but still made it to Atlanta on time to meet the tour group and catch our flight to Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Arrived at 3 pm, met at the airport by Patrick and Rachel, the Connecting Peoples folks at MCC Haiti. Drove up the hill to the MCC Guesthouse, settled in, had a brief orientation to MCC in Haiti, enjoyed supper - meatballs, rice, carrots and squash with passion fruit juice to wash it all down.

Tomorrow we visit Comite Artisanal Haitien (CAH), led by Gisele Fleurant, long time director of CAH. We'll drive out to Leogane to visit stone carvers that are part of CAH as well.

Charlie, a member of our tour group, is writing a blog at:

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